Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Altered Art Party Hosted By The French Cupboard

I just found out about a blog party coming up this Friday, July 30th, hosted by The French Cupboard. Normally joining a blog party this late would be too short notice for me but I think I have a few pieces that can be considered altered art, so I've decided to join in! I can't wait to see what other blog-partiers have come up with, and as always I welcome any comments and constructive criticism on my pieces.
To reach the blog party website, click on the button in the right hand column, or copy and paste the following into your address bar:

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that you're able to join us! I can't wait to see everyone's items. See you Friday.

    Blessings... Polly
    French Cupboard
